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Jeff W Kessel

7 Criteria: You Be the Judge

Principles to apply when you select your field auditor


Your auditor must have the special skill sets required for today’s “paperless” environment. With over two decades in practice, JWK has kept well ahead of change. 


Field auditing imposes strict time limits to dig through seemingly unlimited masses of data. The big firms, lacking agility needed to complement advanced technology, have only one solution: assign multiple auditors to the task. JWK offers the proven system for a complete, lean, professional package. 


Why are the big auditing firms reluctant to send their teams out to do what JWK does as a matter of course? Because the margins of profit are too low. JWK provides Major League talent without the fat “agent’s fee”. 


Demand that your field auditors dig for disguised data, and come forward with sound recommendations, not merely higher bills. JWK has invested substantial time and treasure into the “data mining” disciplines necessary to tame the modern paperless business environment. 


Demand an objective, smart investigator. Your management and your customers deserve more than a standard auditor. Strict investigative skills have been central to JWK’s formula since our earliest days in private practice. JWK clients, both lenders and borrowers, are the highest caliber. They expect more than garden-variety reporting. They need their auditor to make tough calls, and to support findings with intelligent diagnostics. At JWK, your man is named Jeff Kessel.  


You must know the often invisible intangibles: are the borrowers trustworthy? JWK is known for discovering the evidence of personal integrity, good or bad. JWK methods reveal or absolve any obscure patterns of suspicion. 


Your field examiner must be a good ambassador of your firm. Field auditing is volatile. Jeff Kessel is known for preserving good relations between lender and borrower. 

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